Selfie Like a Pro

We all love selfies.  Admit it, we all do it. Careers have been built on selfies (it’s that real). But capturing the perfect selfie is not easy (that’s why we all have 50 photos in the same top in our camera rolls). Our favorite celebrities and influencers have perfected the selfie. Want to be featured on Outre’s social media platforms? Here are some tips and tricks to take your selfies up a notch so you can show off your fabulous hairstyles like an expert!

What’s going on back there?

Avoid busy backgrounds – Try to find a blank wall or background that doesn’t have too much going on. We want to see YOU.
If you do pick a cool wall make sure think about the colors and how well it works with your hair and clothing. Contrast is appealing to the eye. Get artsy!

Lights, Camera… you know the rest!

This is THE MOST important tip for taking the perfect, “repostable”, selfie.

  1. Natural Lighting – Find a window or take a walk. The sunlight offers the best lighting to capture the perfect selfie. Make  sure you are facing the sun for glowy skin and clear photos. Think of this as all natural filter.
  2. Artificial Lighting – If you have access to a ring light, soft lighting, or a really great bathroom light then selfie away! This lighting option is great for indoor or nighttime selfies.

Flip it!

The back camera on smartphones has higher megapixels. That means clearer more high quality photos. This may take some getting used to but the results are worth it.
Clean the lense – This may seem like a no brainer but wiping the lens right before striking a pose will make a difference on how HD your pictures look.

Angles on Angles.

It’s all about the angles! Practice in the mirror to figure out your best side. While taking selfies tilt your head around so you have a variety of selfies to choose from. Try something new you many surprise yourself.

To filter or not to filter

There are SO many apps and SO many filters it’s hard to decide what to do. It’s best to avoid using too many filters. Keep it simple and keep it clean. We all love snapchat filters but for the perfect, repostable photo skip the flower crown.


Now that you know how to take a selfie like pro, go forth and flex! Make sure you tag @outre_hair and use the hashtag #outrehair


11 thoughts on “Selfie Like a Pro

  1. ghedir marwa says:

    Is it possible to see real pictures of the Stunna wig in color 4? I already ordered the color 2 but it is very dark on my skin. I’m white and I have dark brown hair. Is color 4 recommended for me?

  2. Stacie N. Caradine says:

    I am a professional hair stylist and I try to accommodate my clients by recommendation of hair companies. I have used outre hair and I do like the quality I also have highlighted the hair and made a couple of weeks with this hairline and I do like the results. I am also interested in purchasing hair directly from Outre when needed

    • OutreTalks says:

      Hi Rachel,

      One of our Customer Service Representatives has reached out to you in regards to this via email. 🙂

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